Saturday 3 October 2009

Education In Pakistan

Pakistan, a country with innumerable problems. However, when asked about these problems, one of the most popular flaws is Pakistan’s educational system. The government schools and various other so called “schools” are an extreme of this problem most of us know about. So lets leave those for now. There are many good schools at primary level, with students getting a reasonably good education. When 3rd, 4th or 5th grade students go abroad they manage to do extremely well compared to the local students. There are quite a few good universities too for those unable to go abroad due to a variety of problems. Then where exactly is the flaw everyone talks about? How come students graduating from Pakistan may end up getting the best of grades, yet fail in their careers? This flaw is basically in the transitional period between primary and university education.

What I am talking about is the high school and college period. The O and A levels, as well as matric and inter. Even this needs to be clarified as O and A level Pakistani students end up getting the highest number of A grades in the world. Almost all of us know about the recent world record broken by a Pakistani student. Then what is the flaw? Isn’t getting good grades the only way to assess an educational system? If you think so, then you are also among the majority of Pakistanis who feel that grades define students’ abilities. THIS is the flaw! Have you ever wondered why most students abroad are encouraged to keep a bare minimum of subjects? In the corporate world, you do not have to memorize from books and give exams. You have to be a man of action! You have to do stuff to get stuff.

Most schools and colleges only lay emphasis on academics. I am NOT neglecting the importance of academics here. Academics was, is and will always be the most important part of school and college life. However it is not the only part. Among the better educational institutes there are some who encourage students to take part in extra curriculars, however they do not give them a solid platform to do so. The most that they give is the opportunity to play a sport. There are very very few schools and colleges that take a step further and provide courses in activities such as photography, journalism, etc.

We needed an educational institute, which would serve as a better preparation for pre-university students for the real world. We needed an institute from which the graduated students would have experience in the careers they are pursuing as well. This institute has been opened in the heart of Pakistan, Karachi. It’s an institute where students come before anything else. Where children who are in it are mostly the only ones who know its worth and are proud of it. It’s an institution called Nixor College!

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